CALUX Bioassay analysis of PCDD/Fs and dioxinlike PCBs in Bovine milk and Municipal dumping site Ash samples from Indian environment
- カテゴリ
- 論文発表
- 発表または掲載年月日
- 2021.04.26
- 発表学会/学会誌名
- CALUX Bioassay analysis of PCDD/Fs and dioxinlike PCBs in Bovine milk and Munici
- 発表題目
- CALUX Bioassay analysis of PCDD/Fs and dioxinlike PCBs in Bovine milk and Municipal dumping site Ash samples from Indian environment
- 発表者
- 1)Murugasamy Mayilsamy,2)Seethappan Sangeetha,3)Masafumi Nakamura,3)Shunkei Ko
- 発表者所属
- 1)Hiyoshi India private limited,2)Bharathidasan University,3)Hiyoshi Corporation
- 概要
- Abstract
This study showed the distribution of PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs in bovine milk and ash samples collected
from urban and rural areas of south Tamil Nadu and one milk sample from Japan. Around 25 bovine milk
samples and 16 ash samples were collected accordingly. The total TEQ for PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs were
ranged from 0.028 to 7.331 pg TEQ/g fat. Some of the districts were showed higher PCDD/Fs and DLPCBs concentration in milk and ash samples. Further, BM14 (7.331 pg-TEQ/g fat) and BM21 (6.406 pgTEQ/g fat) area exceed level of PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs than WHO regulation limits (6 pg-TEQ/g fat).
Likewise, BM3, BM8, and BM14 areas showed higher milk contamination by dioxins, which exceed the
WHO regulation limit (3pg-TEQ/g fat).
Similarly, the total TEQ for PCDD/Fs and DL-PCBs in ash samples was ranged from 0.02 to 1.2 ng TEQ/g.
AS3 (1.2 ng-TEQ/g) and AS11 (1.06 ng-TEQ/g) areas showed higher dioxins and DL-PCBs among the
samples. This study provides an overview of dioxins and dioxin-related compounds contamination in
bovine milk and ash samples. Further, the CALUX assay method validation has simplifies the monitoring
of dioxin contamination in the environment.